Decisiveness is Attractive


The other night I was heading home from work when I decided to quickly stop by the local Safeway to pick up a few odds and ends. But alas, as is usually the case when I step foot inside a grocery store, one thing led to another and before I knew it, I was scouring the shelves for  superfluous goodies.

On one such trip down the snack aisle I came across a six pack of V8.

Determined to eat healthy, and yet unclear about the merits of paying $4.29 for something I’d have to walk 5 blocks out of my way to replace every week (I normally go to Trader Joe’s), I found myself staring at the cans for what must have been 5 minutes trying to make up my mind.

I probably would have stood there longer if it wasn’t for the stock clerk behind me.

Keenly aware of his perplexed gaze, and not wanting to make the situation anymore awkward than it already was, I looked back, grinned and said, “Looks like I’m a little indecisive tonight.”

The man chuckled, took a step towards me, put his hand on my shoulder and replied with the type of conviction that only years of experience can provide:

Son, let me tell you a story… Forty years ago I had a big crush on this girl named Tracy. I went after her hard for over two years – no joke – until finally, she agreed to go out with me… Everything was going real good til’ the end of the night …She asked me what I’d like to do on our next date. Not exactly sure of myself, I said, ‘I don’t know, whatever you want to do is fine by me” …She looked me straight in the eye and snapped, ‘an indecisive man is an unattractive man’…Boy (pause for laughter), you best believe I made a decision real quick”

Lesson learned.

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Filed under Life

One response to “Decisiveness is Attractive

  1. Stefanie

    Whoa. sage advice received in the most unexpected place indeed!
    gotta file that one away for future use!! ;)

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