
Akash Trivedi

Akash Trivedi is a 2007 Finance/Management grad and accredited dreamer from The Wharton School. To date, his work experiences have centered primarily around cash flow management and customer acquisition. First as a summer financial analyst at MarchEx and Johnson & Johnson in 2005 and 2006 respectively, and more recently as the co-founder of “The Freight Exchange” and the business controller of a DTC genetic-testing venture called, “Smart Genetics.”

Having gained an intuition for managing company finances, Akash is now hoping to take the next logical step and find a position that enables him to develop and implement winning business/marketing strategies either as: an analyst at an established company, an associate at a consulting firm that specializes in high-growth companies, or a media planner/traffice coordinator at a digital ad shop.

 Ultimately, Akash hopes to leverage these business fundamentals in order to make a large scale impact on society (though admittedly, he is still working on the “how” part!).

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